Link System

You can get information about the account link system on this page.


The account linking system works based on code logic. To set up the account linking system, you must select an account linking channel on your Discord server and use the /setup command in that channel. Players must take the code they receive in-game using the /linkaccount command and paste/type it into the menu that opens after pressing the button in that channel.

Configuration File

The location of this system in config.yml is link_system:

  status: true # Determines whether the account linking system will be active.
  code_length: 6 # Determines the length of the code obtained with the /linkaccount command. If this code is too short, code collisions may occur.
  unlink_system_enabled: false # /cunlink command is enabled?
  link_game_commands: # Determines the commands that the console will use when the account is linked. If you do not want to enter any commands, simply write [].
    - 'say %player% linked their account.'
  link_give_roles: ['1251956819476353185'] # Determines the roles to be assigned to the member when the account is linked. If you do not want to assign any roles, simply write [].
  usernameChange: '%discord% | %minecraft%' # Sets the nickname of the member when the account is linked. If you do not want to use it, write null.
  linkLogs: '1259358839334240256' # Determines which channel the account linking logs will be sent to. If you do not want to use it, write null.
  roles_groups_link: # The system for linking in-game groups with Discord roles.
    status: false # Determines whether the system will be active.
    removeRolesNonGroups: true # Determines whether roles should be removed when the permission is lost.
    onlyGiveOneRole: true # Determines whether to give only the highest-level role or to check all roles.
    ignorePermission: 'admin.op' # The role linking system will not work for users with this permission.
    data: # Add permissions in the format permission: roleid. Don’t forget to assign these permissions to in-game groups.
      - 'admin.admin': 1251956819476353185
      - 'admin.admin2': 1251956819476353185

Last updated